PHP is the most popular language for web-programming in the world. It was used to create over 83% of websites on the Internet, from simple personal blogs to the websites of industry giants.
PHP community is one of the most active. Most of your problems have most probably been solved before.
PHP compares favorably with a lot of other modern programming languages, e.g., Java, Python, or Ruby. And starting with 7.0 version work speed grew exponentially.
PHP is one of the most easily scaleable web-programming languages in the world. Besides that, you can easily use PHP across different platforms and run it in any infrastrcture.
During its lifespan, PHP acquired a lot of libraries and modules, which make PHP integratable with numberless third-party services, e.g., databases or online services of Google, Amazon, Yahoo, etc.
PHP is the most popular web-programming language that has been supported and developed by Zend company for over 20 years.
The language is simple to learn and easy to use. A lot of existing SDKs and libraries make the development process easier and more stable.
When you order a project from us, you get top specialists to work on it. We know all details of different PHP versions and are experienced in different various patterns.
We use the most up-to-date instruments, be it language version, framework, dockerization or deployment means, or automated code check. We just love Symfony, that lets us write quick, well-scaleable, and clear code.
We have already solved most of the challenges you can face. We have many times created systems for content management supplied with complicated filters and morphological search, various dashboards, and administrator panels. We have integrated projects with social networks and payment systems, have set up two-sided synchronization of data with banks, CRM, ERP and digital workflow systems.
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