One of the most popular libraries with a wide network of independent developers.
Over a thousand developers work on React, which allows to quickly check the code without quality loss, find errors and correct them on time.
React.js architecture allows to quickly connect and adapt reliable components where you need them.
React has one of the biggest and most active developer communities. They create a whole ecosystem around the library.
We began using React.js starting with its first stable options. Over time, we learned a lot of ways to use it and can manage it brilliantly.
Modern web-apps are not single-page business-cards anymore. They are highly functional and responsive. React.js allows us to cater to any needs of our clients, including top-notch Single Page Applications.
This might sound unbelievable, but we think that developers are actual people who can make mistakes. We learned to work with that and bring the human factor to the minimum thanks to automated quality assurance instruments, code-review, and testing.
Along with React we use the following technologies:
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